
Showing posts from August, 2017

It will be worth it.

When’s the last time you turned your world into a cocoon and became something different? When was the last time the energy of becoming that person you desire was in you? When’s the last time you stopped complaining about your environment and instead asked what the environment was birthing in you and what difference it has made in your life? You’re not just going to wake up one day and your world be different. You’re not just going to open your eyes and have a new life. You will have to wake up every morning determined to be a person worthy of the life you’re praying for. You will never get what you deserve or desire but only what you fight for. Work towards the person you want to see in yourself like your life depends on it  because it surely does. You’ll have to ask God to strip away friendships that leave you stagnant and frustrated,relationships that make you settle for less,relationships that are one sided and they got you giving more than you should, relationships tha...