
Showing posts from August, 2018


A wild woman is a fighter,she is hard on you because she sees potential in you,she is more than just the surface ,she loves life so much that she feels everything at the highest capacity. She does not give up on you even if you have given up on your self. She knows her wilderness, she is the WILD WOMAN! As you read through the blog, I know there  is a picture of a wild woman in you mind and there is a way wild looks to you. There is a way you will see people behave and call them wild! Not because they are but that is how you understand wild. To be wild means not to be subjected or to be restrained, it means to be marked by turbulent agitation , it means going beyond conventional bounds , breaking through the normal with a strong desire or passion to do what has never been done, break what has never been broken, build what others feared building and stand for what you believe in! This is the kind of wild woman am talking about. A woman that knows there is destiny in the ...