Pain has a higher potential to toughen you up than pleasure does!
You may feel all is lost because of what you have been going through ,the jobs you applied for that didn't go through , The pain you go through everyday because of sickness , the investments you have worked for that don't even seem to pay anything, the relationship that you have so tried to make it work and it seems you are in it alone , the heartbreak that has got you thinking of committing suicide, the marriage that no longer gives you happiness but you are just there because of your children ,the child you have waited upon the Lord for so long but all seems fruitless , the lose of the loved one that has so much consumed you ,you feel like you got no reasons to live . I just wanna speak to your soul no matter how low it feels now. I want to remind your soul that peace is not the absence of storm but its being still in the midst of storm . Where you are now is a point that so many people have been and trust me there are those who overcame . Its not easy to go through pain and persevere it with your own ability but by Grace , that hard time can come and Go. What you are going through is not you, its a situation , You are an OVERCOMER and there is no way ,you can be called an overcomer if you didn't fight a battle and win! Just tell your mind i know this is happening to me now , but i know am an overcomer , this is the time to Raise your faith in God and remind Him of what He says in His word about your situation
Roman 8 :28
And we know that in all things God works for Good of those who love Him ,who have been called according to His purpose
Let God see you are still acknowledging Him as God in your situation and that its working for your Good! You might not see it at the moment ,you may not feel it at the moment but remember:
1 Corinthians 2: 9
However ,as it is written : 'what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard,and what no human mind has conceived ' the things God has prepared for those who love Him.
Let this word that comes from God never go void in your life because you need it more than anything right now. Think like it ,Act like it and proclaim it everyday of your life until you see a difference in your life ! Cry out to God ,Be open to Him about your situation and tell Him how you need Him for He says:
Hebrews 4:16
Let us then approach God's throne of Grace with confidence ,so that we may receive mercy and grace to help us in out time of need.
Everything seems impossible but trust me Grace will make you come out of your afflictions. Stop allowing people to discourage you that you will not make it just because they didn't make it, be in counsel of people who see the possible in the impossible because that is the kind of faith you need now. Anyone who makes you feel worse than your situation is like poison to you and you should avoid them like plague !
Learn to tell God how you feel rather than telling people. God will listen and Act but people may listen and use it Against you. Let God be the first to know what you are Going through.
You will wake up one morning and things will not be the same. Wiping my endure a night but joy comes in the morning.
Stop looking down on yourself ! Awake your spirit and let it be refreshed ,the opportunities you longed for may never come, The people you needed the most may have left when you desperately needed them ,Friends may have betrayed you and said the worst things about you, people may have broken you into pieces and killed the inner you to the point you just don't know where to start from but one thing I want to let you know is that they never killed your potential to become great. They never killed the special thing God created in you, pursue it and it will connect you to the right people, your destiny helpers that will have your interest at heart!
No matter what you say and how you say it, some people will never get it.
No matter how pure your motives are, somebody will still accuse you of ill intentions No matter how humble you are, somebody will still consider you proud. No matter how generous you are, somebody will still call you "selfish". Sometimes some of your greatest pains will come from those you gave the most pleasure.Some of your greatest disappointments will come from those you gave your best appointments or commitments.Sometimes some of the worst things you'd hear about yourself may come from those you speak the best of.Not everyone in your ship is paddling in the direction of your dreamed destination. Discernment is key.
Loving people sometimes means feeling used by them.Sometimes, doing the right thing ends up making you look like a fool.
Tough as it seems, any evil done against you can become a seed for your promotion... It depends on your response.
"I would rather appear foolish now and see the wisdom of the Almighty God unfold, than appear wise now and turn out foolish later".
Promotion doesn't come by fighting for your rights but by being faithful in doing what is right.
Those who will enjoy true promotion by the Almighty must be willing to forgive freely, forgive quickly and forgive wholly.
Those who will relish true promotion must be willing to serve many for free and selflessly. Sometimes, to see the positive things Almighty God can do for you, then you have to be willing to stop what you can do in offending Him.Without God's sign off, your biggest step can turn out to be your biggest mistake.
Pain has a higher potential to toughen you up than pleasure does. Problems are easier to solve than people.
Many people will celebrate you only as long as your advancement doesn't exceed their expectations of you.Some people get close enough to you just to find something bad about you to broadcast to the world.Some people are quiet when you're succeeding but quick to point out your failures. Hating those who hate you makes them your leaders, since you're following their footsteps.Rather than react to a negative situation. Respond to your revelation.
Believe the best even when you're going through the worst.
They hurt you? Don't hold it against them. Hold them up in prayer Forgiving people is not just a good idea. It's a God's idea. Actually, more than an idea. It's an instruction.
How you respond to a situation can be more important than the situation.Your ability to overlook an offence determines the degree of dominion you'd exercise over many other situation. Wisdom will help you solve problems .You need both.
When all is said and done, let the fear and the love of the Almighty GOD in your heart pour through your daily walk!
Amazing, Inspiring and Motivating..truly going through pain, just like gold passes through fire to be purified, toughens us up and prepares us for life!
ReplyDeleteAmen.. Spot on
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly what I needed, awesome, awesome awesome. Tears may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning. His grace will preserve me.
ReplyDeleteAm glad its been of help , keep reading more great articles coming