I remember when I was in my second year in campus , i wanted to explore so many things , you find me crazy now? If you knew me years ago then even the word crazy doesn't fit that description , there was this perception everyone who meet me had about me "she is so proud and harsh" even those who were so close to me thought the same until they came to learn the kind of person I was. In my journey to reconnoitre several things I once tried out to rock on a weave for the very first time that I was given by a friend , I was startled by how every one loved my new look that I had never thought ever existed, it had a way to aggrandize my beauty and for the first time I saw an aromatic me, in all the hair styles I had ever tried ,it stood out for me. This is how I just felt in love with weaving my hair Anytime I was in a shop that sold weaves ,I will go and look at the variety they had and even choose what to wea...