I remember when  I was in my second year in campus , i wanted to explore so many things , you find me crazy now? If you knew me years ago then even the word crazy doesn't fit that description , there was this perception everyone who meet me had about me  "she is so proud and harsh"  even those who were so close to me thought the same until they came to learn the kind of person I was.

In my journey to reconnoitre several things  I  once tried out to rock on a weave for the very first time that I was given by a friend , I was startled by how every one loved my  new look that I had never thought ever existed, it had a way to aggrandize my beauty and for the first time I saw an aromatic me, in all the hair styles I had ever tried ,it stood out for me. This is how I just felt in love with weaving my hair

Anytime I was in a shop that sold weaves ,I will go and look at the variety they had and even choose what to weave next when I still had neat hair, that's how much I fell in love with them, non of my close friends ever loved weaving or even the mention of it ,and they didn't just get why I was in love with them, I remember them telling me one time, "you always look so classy and mature with your hair weaved"

I remember at one point I saw a brown weave in a particular shop and I was titillated by it, anytime I saw a lady in a brown weave ,I will want to run to them and just ask ,"which weave is that? It's so fascinating", I then realized that I not only loved weaves but I was spellbinded to weaves that were brown in colour, at one point I tried and rock in a purely gold colour weave and this made my friends  nick name me " Nick minaj" This is because it was a colour that only a crazy person like nick Minaj can try it out, they found it funny but for me I found it fascinating, there was a feeling of fullfiment that came with having just something brown on my head to enhance my already existing beauty.  They didn't understand that feeling that comes with it but deep within me there was a craving for enhancing my look with something brown, that was me.

Many are the times I received both positive and negative comments about my look, some will tell you, "you look so young and pretty when you braid your hair than when you weave it" some will say the opposite of the above statement, every one had an opinion of how I look , sometimes I believed  them and tried to explore other
styles but after a long journey to new styles , I found my self back to brow weaves again, any time I put on a black weave , I had a common quote I used to say "am on break.

Many are the times I listen to people's opinions and tried out other different things but it never took long before my heart called out for its craving "a brow sassy hair look"

It reached a point that no one could convince me there was something that could look so classy and amazing on me like a brown classy hair look, this became  my land mark , people will notice me from far because of my hair style .

I made peace with the fact that brown classy look is me and am it, no one's opinion mattered any more, I found out what enhanced my look, I became so blind to people's opinions, I remember at one time a friend of mine told me , I saw you in a very crazy weave, I told her " oh really? that's me , thank you for your opinion but it doesn't matter" This answer came so naturally and then I realised how much I had  grown out of opinions and all  I wanted  was to be at peace with my deep heart desires  . My confidence with my look has never been at its peak like when in  a brown sassy hair.

I meet who I was as far as my looks were concerned because I believe everything you do be it enternal or external brands you, I have never had a struggle with what looks classy on me,be it dressing my body and my hair . I became  comfortable with everyone calling me a fashionista because I know what gives my body a classy look.

How  many times have you let people's opinion decide who you are ,what you can it, how you can dress and who you are to associate with? I know you have been there or you might be there , I have one thing to let you know today

People will give you opnion as per who they are and what works for them, the reason why what everyone else tell you can never work is because you are not them and what they were wired for is not what you are wired for, there is something special about you , and God puts deep desires in you so that you can fullfil what he wired you for, it's not about me loving brown hair  but its about you knowing that your deep heart desires reveal who you are and what you  destined for , my Bible tells me that God gives us our heart desires , any deep desire you have that is in accordance to his will  is meant to lead you to your destiny, never allow people's opinions kill it, when he puts it in the inside of you, HE has the ability to bring it into fullfiment if you allow Him to.

You don't need opinions to fulfill the
purpose you were created for, you need to meet your self, do you know how many people see strength when they just think of you, do you know how many people see courage, Valor ,love patience , intelligence when they see or think about you, do you know how many people are secretly admiring your strength and your ability to dive through life challenges? If you don't know then you have not meet yourself.

That special thing God placed in the inside of you is what makes others admire you because He placed it in you for His glory, don't wait for validation to shine in being you, don't wait for an approval for you to know its worth it, every  time you   respond to the deep desires in the inside of you to make the world a better place, it's a form of worship to God because you are doing what takes glory back to him, doing what He wired you for, you are imperfected yet so beautifully gifted and amazingly He holds  you together  with His grace to do things so excellently and with undoubted uniqueness.

When you meet you, you liberate you, when you constantly appreciate you, you create so much strength to navigate through what life may bring your way. When you give you to the world, you make such a big difference because no one will ever do what you are doing
Find "YOU" and let it glister ,that's what the world needs  

With lots of love to you my reader...
Find you and let it glister ,that what the world needs


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