I remember when I started my weight lose journey last year in October , it wasn't really an easy journey , they were days I woke up and felt like quitting , they were nights I couldn't sleep because of the pain I felt on my body , and also the poor eating habits I had were so addictive that leaving them was like going hungry . The struggle to get to where I wanted was real and the only thing that could keep me going was how bad I wanted the change. sometimes I went to the gym and came back home and kept eating the food's I used to eat and there was no big difference , I remember one day going to the gym and the instructor told me something that change my life since that day " To reach your body and weight lose goals , 30% is contributed by you constantly working out and 70% is contributed by what you eat " I started the gym when I was 84kg and my BMI was 29.1 which simplified that I was overweight and that meant being susceptible to many uncertainties ...