I remember when I started my weight lose journey last year in October , it wasn't really an easy journey , they were days I woke up and felt like quitting , they were nights I couldn't sleep because of the pain I felt on my body , and also the poor eating habits I had were so addictive that leaving them was like going hungry . The struggle to get to where I wanted was real and the only thing that could keep me going was how bad I wanted the change. sometimes I went to the gym and came back home and kept eating the food's I used to eat and there was no big difference , I remember one day going to the gym and the instructor told me something that change my life since that day " To reach  your body and weight lose goals , 30% is contributed by you constantly working out and 70% is contributed by what you eat "

I started the gym when I was 84kg and my BMI was 29.1 which simplified that I was overweight  and that meant being susceptible to many uncertainties health wise. My goal was to maintain a normal BMI of 25 Which meant I need to get at 68kg and that meant losing 16kg ! For those who have been in this journey you understand that its not even easy to lose 1kg ! It takes so much hard work and commitment . I made up my mind to fight for my goal and get where I wanted to be , there days I didn't feel like going to the gym and I had to   literary dragged myself there  and along the way I got motivation to keep working out . Talk about diet it took me days and weeks to adjust to taking little to zero portions of carbohydrates that never came easily , it was a struggle between what my body wanted and what it needed to get where I wanted to be , but everyday I choose to give my body what it needed and not what it wanted , I kept starving what in needed and kept feeding it with what it needed to reach my goal

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Its during this period that I learnt growth is painful,  I learnt that motivation is like love and happiness , its a by-product , when you actively engage in doing something , it sneaks in and zaps up when you least expect it. You are more likely to act yourself into feeling than feeling yourself into action . Every time you make up your mind to do something , you will need to constantly choose it against all odds , that's  how you will be able to see the impact and results .

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when you are clear with what you want , the world responds with clarity , I never knew my ability and potential to lose weight until I was clear with what I wanted and kept pursuing it everyday, though am not where I want to be , am proud of myself that am half way the journey. There is how God always graces you to do staffs you never though you could do when you trust him . He brings the right people at the right time who will help you through your dream . All you need is clarity of where you want to be and you will see him work in ways you never imagined He will .

Our purposes in life are always connected to our deep heart desires , that's why you got to do what you got to do to bring your dreams to reality, you don't need motivation to do this do it even when you don't feel like , that's how you will birth consistency . To discover your purpose you need to grow in self awareness , self awareness means you need to understand yourself and know what sets your heart on fire , you were not just created to fill space on earth you got so much that the world needs but you can never give it out if you don't know it , be intentional in walking in the journey of self discovery , know you , love you and grow you everyday. You can only give the world what you have , when you invest in being a better person every day , you will give the world the growth you are experiencing  .

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To be a better human being you need to grow in character , to advance in your career you need to develop your skills, to be a better parent or spouse you need to develop in relationships  , to grow in your finances you need knowledge about how money works and to enrich your soul you need to grow spiritually .Growth does not just happen , you need to be intentional about it , if you focus on goals you will hit the goals but that doesn't guarantee growth , if you focus on growth you will grow and always hit your goals.

You cannot change your life until you change something you are doing everyday .change begins with the little action you take to change your habit that will generally change your behavior , you might me wondering how do I change this particular habit that is not helping me reach my goal , below is a guideline in form of questions that will help you overcome a particular behavior you are trying to overcome to reach your goal, write this in your journal so that you can closely monitor your growth :

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  1. what is the current behavior that you would like to change ? Describe it ,including where it comes from and how long you have had this behavior( Awareness)
  2. why is it important to you to change this behavior ? ( Meaning )
  3. How would you like to act or be ? focus on what you want ,and not what you don't want ( vision)
  4. What do you need to change or let go to get to your vision ? (Mind shift)
  5. What is your next growth step to move towards your vision ( Growth )

You  are free to reach out to me for more guidance on behavior change that will help you reach your goal , drop me an email on  or reach out to me on +254751758515. With love .

I send my love to you my reader and I pray that you will not remain the same after reading these , as you work on your habits , you will experience change.


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