
Showing posts from July, 2017

Discovery of truth leads to recovery of freedom

# AsundaytorememberwithBishopAllanKiuna His quote of the day ,   " Discovery of truth leads to recovery of freedom" The world has so many ways of describing the situations we are going  through as facts of life that no matter how much we try to let our situation change, we cannot because of being locked up in a jail of facts. Facts limit us ,facts make us never see any good in life, facts never give us an opportunity to see the better version of ourselves, facts kill us from the inside, facts break our hearts,facts makes us lose hope, facts takes away our inner peace,  facts deny us love and leaves  us only with loneliness, facts make us wanna live a reckless life because we no longer see the need of giving loyalty when you never get it back, facts make us not see any good in others, facts gives us an impression that our situation is permanent and nothing will ever make it change! Yes that is what FACTS does to us! Facts are so intimidating and demoralizing ...

Pain has a higher potential to toughen you up than pleasure does!

You  may feel all is lost because of what you have been going through ,the jobs you applied for that didn't  go through , The pain you go through everyday because of sickness , the investments you have worked for that don't even seem to pay anything,  the relationship that you have so tried to make it work and it seems you are in it alone , the heartbreak that has got  you thinking of committing suicide, the marriage that no longer gives you happiness but you are just there because of your children ,the child you have waited upon the Lord  for so long but all seems fruitless , the lose of the loved one that has so much consumed you ,you feel like you got no reasons to live . I just wanna speak to your soul no matter how low it feels now. I  want to remind your soul that peace is not the absence of storm but its being still in the midst  of storm . Where you are now is a point that so many people have been and trust me there are those who overcame ...