God will talk to you through relationships.

If you listen, God will speak to you concerning your marriage, friendships and  your business associations. He may ask you to sever friendships or relationships with people who can tempt you away from His plan over your life. If you spend time with someone who is self centered ,you may soon spend time thinking about what you can get for your self.

God may encourage you to make friends with someone who is a giver and before long you will be a giver too. It is exciting to spend time with someone who really hears from God , someone who truly senses what the holy spirit is doing or saying. The bible says iron sharpens iron and you can sharpen your ability to hear right things by being with people who practice listening God's voice and obeying it.

You may be getting ready to marry a unbeliever and you conscience is beeping loud alarms , because you know the word says "Do not be unequally yoked  with unbelievers"  but you ignore it. Why would you be surprised if you wind up in trouble?

Some people ignore the early signals because they are afraid of being the only ones set apart, alone without friends and family. Out of fear they choose to do the wrong thing and later they wish with all their hearts ,they had never acted against their conscience.

Don't gamble that something is gonna work for you if you don't have God's approval .The bible says Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, He cannot finish anything He did not start

A lot of times we start something, then get mad at God if He doesn't come through to finish it.

People struggle because they start works on their own and pray that God will bless something He never led them to do In the first place.

God speaks so much using our conscience and if your conscience doesn't  allow you to be in a certain relationship or friend ship, don't force it, Learn to enjoy the peace that come with satisfying the conscience.  What is yours will always give you peace .Remember the Bible tells us that The blessings of the lord brings wealth and it adds no sorrows with it.

Listen to the voice of God concerning you relationship and if you allow Him to start it , He will manage it up to the end of times . He says none shall lack a mate and He is not a Man that He should lie. He fulfills every promise. Never give up on God for He will never give up on you.

Be blessed.


  1. Awesome, what is yours will always give you peace.
    People struggle because they start works on their own and pray that God will bless something He never led them to do In the first place.
    Keep writing, am blessed!

  2. This is so beautiful. I love how you are using the Bible to bring those sentiments home. Keep up Girl.


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