Seduction is a scheme!

A scheme is a plot intended to ensnare , capture ,imprison and destroy you, when the enemy seduces you into a relationship with the opposite sex, whose hidden agenda is illicit sex, he has the intentions of ensnaring you,capturing and imprisoning you,so that he may destroy you. He comes to kill, steal and destroy, you know! He comes to seduce you the same way a man acts towards a woman he knows is not cheap enough to pounce on and obtain sexual permission

When a man comes to such a woman ,he presents sex is not his agenda, but that he honours you enough to want a sober and lasting friendship ,so he begins with just being good to you. He soon discovers what you like and what you hate , and toes the line. He discovers the need in you that has never been taken care of,and begins to feed it. If you had been rejected and deeply wounded, he comes as the shoulder to lean on and cry on. If you have never been truly loved , he comes in as this channel to love you as you need.

When you become desperately dependant upon the supply he offers and he knows you have been addicted to it and can no longer do with out it, that's when he begins to gently reach out for what he came for -your sex , but he does this so gently and so sweetly that even the very process of seeking sex attracts you. You are so desperate for what he feeds you on that you are so willing to give anything to continue to access it , besides ,his processes of reaching out for your sex is so gentle and respectful that there is really no cause for alarm. Soon ,you also crave for sex with him; because he is the only person who has ever respected your will.

The moment you begin to crave and reach out for him,he begins to lose interest in you. Now it's your turn to run after him! Why not? He knows everything about you! He came subtly , gently unclothed you , then took pictures of you naked and left. He lulled you with his "love" then slowly and gently undressed you while you were patiently waiting for His sweetness . you feel desperately exposed because this man has your photos out there.  He no longer has interest in you. The devil has used him to steal ,kill and destroy you ! From the sexual relationship you came out negatively changed. The new you no longer has the ability to trust a man or even handle marriage, you have been corrupted. Therefore your marriage will no longer be the same as it would have been if you remained a virgin. This seduction is a scheme . The thief has come to steal, kill and destroy you.

Paul says in Ephesians 6 :10-11
"Finally ,be strong in the lord and in His might power . put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's scheme"
Notice that the word can here suggests ability. Paul says that you must set yourself up in such a way that ,when the devil sets up His schemes , you are able to conquer it. You must build the capacity to handle and conquer the schemes of the evil one.


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