Writing this feels like doing something God had told me to do long ago but I ignored that voice, God has been preparing me for such a time as this for a long time. And, as I'm sure many of you know, when God calls you to do something, He is relentless. Let me tell you how God healed me from something I thought would kill me.
Mid this year in May, I woke up one morning and started feeling some chest pains that really made me uncomfortable, I for once thought the pains were caused by the exercises I used to do and still doing and didn't see any reason for visiting a doctor to know why I was feeling that way, the pain was constant for a week and i didn't hesitate to go see a doctor, some blood tests were done and trust me my blood was very okay yet the chest pains would not give me a break!
Since the pain came with some sharp piercing that would run through my chest and disappear, the doctor told me it could be pneumonia and after several tests done again, not even one test showed traces of pneumonia. I was given some antibiotics and painkillers to use for one week and if there was no change, then the doctor told me an x-ray would be done to really see how my chest looked like.
After one week, there was no change. It now started dawning on me something is not right with me, this is now the opportunity the devil used to feed me with so much negative about myself, first I thought it's a heart disease but again I asked my self where on earth did I get a heart disease at this young age? I thought of unimaginable diseases and each time they crossed my mind, I thought of death too, but again my mind would go through strong warfare and I would hear a still small voice say ,"Joan, you will conquer this, not even disease can take you away from your earthy assignments! "" The voice was so still that some times I did listen to it but would listen to the voice of fear that was so audible .
I went for the x-ray and the results showed that my chest was very normal. This even made me more frustrated because there was no way I would have constant chest pains and still have a normal chest, how on earth? I was given more drugs to keep using with the hope that the pain will subside but trust me as the days went by the pain kept on reminding me of how much I needed God because He knew my situation very well and it didn't catch Him by surprise.
My parents got so worried and they didn't like to see me complain of chest pain every single day. Being the prayer warriors that I have known them to be since my young age, they constantly prayed for me, with the hope that God will come through and restore my health again.
Each morning , I would wake up in tears, the only strength I had at that moment was the word of God and prayer that constantly reminded me ,God is right there with me in my tears and pain. This pain taught me to love God more and to cry to him any single time I felt insecure, My divine friends constantly stood with me in prayers and also became by faith and strength at that moment.
I hated how much I visited the hospital, I hated how much I was on medication yet nothing to show that the services were of help to me, there was nothing more the doctor could do, He referred me to a better hospital for better medication, My new toilet was hospital because I would visit it time and again with the hope that, the news about my pain will change. May ,June, July and August were all months of severe pain.
My new hospital where I was referred to had a specialist who had to diagnose me by the help of a CT scan. I did the Chest CT scan which is a detailed test that shows all the internal organs and if any of them needed treatment it would show and trust me the CT scan also showed that my chest was very okay. You can imagine how this news got me more frustrated . Normal chest? With severe chest pain? How?
I kept on praying and being strong In the lord even when I felt there was no reason to keep on praying yet no change. I remember fasting so much and praying and asking God to just open to me what really caused the pain and how I am to overcome it. My spiritual father was not even worried about my situation and He assured me I was going to be okay. My next visit to the doctor's office gave me the shock of my life! The doctor did some more tests and this time round He was able to identify a lump on my left breast where the constant piercing occurred. OK, I really wanted to know why I had the chest pains but I didn't think I could have a lump on my breast! What clicked in my mind at the moment was cancer! Breast cancer! Yes that is how much the devil gave me fear.
The holy spirit remind me of my identity in Christ, He reminded me that i am a well person fighting sickness, He reminded me that by the strips of Jesus I am healed, He reminded me, Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God deliver them all, He reminded me that God looks at my ruins with a lot of compassion and care, He reminded me to be strong in the Lord and His mighty power, He reminded me to put on the full Armour of the Lord and stand against all the schemes of the enemy, He reminded me to arise and fight, because our fight is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against authorities, against rulers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. I no longer allowed fear to overtake me, because he has not given me the spirit of fear, but the spirit of love and sound mind, I prayed and felt some relief that came with peace of mind. I felt already healed! I told that lump, "you are not gonna stay in my body and cause me pain , because my God is bigger than you! I spoke to that lump and told it the only master in my body is Jesus and not you to put me in bondage! I took the power and authority that I have been given by the Holy Spirit to command back my healing. I didn't care how the healing was going to be done but I told God its my right to be healed by you my Father and one of the
The doctor told me that I had to do an FNA to test whether the lump was cancerous or not, I really didn't like the idea of the FNA because is something very painful ,you are pierced where the lump is so that the cells of the lump can be taken and tested by a pathologist. My heart was never for the FNA and since that thought gave me no peace of mind I decided I was not going to do the FNA. I preferred doing a whole extraction of the lump.
Lucky enough, the following day, God just led me to the right doctor who is a specialist in extraction (Surgeon). Extraction is a form of surgery where unwanted organisms are removed from the body . The Surgeon explained to me how the whole process will be like and asked me to prepare because the surgery was going to be done the following day.
I had never been to a theater and had never gone through a surgery , I really didn't understand the feeling inside of me when I thought of people who went in theater for surgery and never came back alive but then, the Joy of the Lord was my strength.
The day was here! I was afraid of the experience ,the pain but I remembered God knows why I had to go through the surgery.
I called my mum, dad ,my spiritual father (Pastor Rogers Cedar) and my mentor (Patricia James Wanyonyi ) and told them to be strong for me in prayers as I was going through the process that I even didn't know how it feels like! God reminded me that "This is the day of your healing and there will be no more pain" This gave me strength to go through the surgery.
And there is no way God could allow this foreign thing to stay in my body. Christ is the only person that dwells in me, Not sickness! |
How I went through the whole process and had that lump removed is just God! It was a success. God took care of me in the theater and gave me strength to overcome. It was like thin air passing through the clouds, Yes, He did it for me! After the surgery I had my loving and caring friends who took care of me and made sure I was okay
Have you lost hope due to your prevailing emotional, physical, financial and spiritual sickness? I want to remind you that the Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and are saved, stop looking at your problem and Look at God who can solve your problem, cry to Him! Your testimony is next.
The greatest lesson God taught me during that season was that we should never forget the promise He gave us in light when we are in darkness ,He is mighty to save, I came out of that pain stronger in faith and my confidence in God has really increased supernaturally.
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