Am writing this to someone special that God created with a unique and special assignment, someone that can never be compared to the other but be loved for who he/she is, and that person is you, yes you reading this blog right now. I don't know how much I can describe you but one thing am very sure of is that you are very important on this earth, the reason you aren't dead is because you have something within you that the world needs. Dr. Myles Munroe once said that a lot of dreams and people who could change the world have been swallowed by the grave and they died with all that the world needed because they never died empty. This reminds me that when we came into this world, we didn't come empty, there are unique things God placed in each one of us that He knew we will need them to walk in full realization of our purpose and why we exist on this earth. We were never meant to die with them still in the inside of us, God designed them in us so that we can give them to the world and die empty because the reason they were placed in us was to fulfill our earthly assignments. This things include our gifts, our talents our passions and what makes us angry to the point that we can no longer contain them but implement change.
Be sure today and know that this world needs you, many at times we watch great people such as Barrack Obama, Bishop T.D Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Donald Trump, Billy Gates who are walking in greatness and we wonder if we can really be like them. Today I want to speak to your heart and tell you that you can walk in greatness and be known among those people who made a difference in this world, you can use all that God has placed in you to be great. It starts with the mind set.
When you read Joyce Meyers book on The Battle Field of the Mind, you will understand that most of the things we think we cannot do is because our minds have been yoked in the world of nothing good can come out of me, this is the most dangerous yoke because the word says; Whatsoever a man think so He is. When Your mind can't think about anything good or positive, you remain in bondage or stagnation. Nothing you try will work and everything around you looks so impossible. This is something I will not even wish for my enemies. For you to see change around you, that change begins from the inside and it's in your mind, any time milk is poured in water the water changes colour slightly then eventually the whole water becomes white. That is the same thing that happens to our minds when we feed it with positive vibes, it receives them until it can no longer do without them. When your mind is positive your life will automatically change, you will feel the urge to change your environment and all those people around you who are negative.
When you read Joyce Meyers book on The Battle Field of the Mind, you will understand that most of the things we think we cannot do is because our minds have been yoked in the world of nothing good can come out of me, this is the most dangerous yoke because the word says; Whatsoever a man think so He is. When Your mind can't think about anything good or positive, you remain in bondage or stagnation. Nothing you try will work and everything around you looks so impossible. This is something I will not even wish for my enemies. For you to see change around you, that change begins from the inside and it's in your mind, any time milk is poured in water the water changes colour slightly then eventually the whole water becomes white. That is the same thing that happens to our minds when we feed it with positive vibes, it receives them until it can no longer do without them. When your mind is positive your life will automatically change, you will feel the urge to change your environment and all those people around you who are negative.
Early this year, there was a service I attended that turned my life around, the sermon was about purpose and trust me by that time I even didn't know why I was living, it is that day that I knew that I was born for a purpose, I remember the preacher telling us to go read Rick Warren's book on A Purpose Driven Life which I will advice you to read if you are still not sure why you are living. The insights I got from the sermon made me understand that I was not living and I needed to start living, I afterwards looked for that book and made sure I read it, my life has never remained the same, every day God takes me to a deeper understanding of why He created me and how and where I should do what He created me for. Every morning when I wake up, I wake up knowing that I have assignments that I have to accomplish, this has so much spiced my life, I no longer feel useless even when told that before my face, I no longer feel the need to please anyone, I no longer feel I need to force people in to my life, I no longer feel am not important, the moment I learnt that I have a purpose and it must be fulfilled I even told Death "you can not take me out of my assignments". This is how much I wanted you to understand how knowing your purpose and walking in it can save you from so many frustrations of this world.
One thing I want you to so much understand is that, your assignment can never be like that of another, sometimes we look at how others have manifested in everything they do and we feel like we can never be like them, comparison is the killer of so many destines, when you compare you are trying to tell God that He didn't know what you wanted and He should have given you what your friend has, this is what makes us not manifest in what we do because we are not concentrating in what God placed in is, instead we are focusing on what He placed in others. If this is what you have been doing I just want you to tell God now:
"Dear God teach me to concrete on what you have placed in me ,that I may manifest according to your will in my life , Amen" say it as many times as you can until you feel deep convinced in your heart that you spirit is in agreement with that.
"Dear God teach me to concrete on what you have placed in me ,that I may manifest according to your will in my life , Amen" say it as many times as you can until you feel deep convinced in your heart that you spirit is in agreement with that.
There is so much potential in you of being a person God created you to be, potentials are untapped energies, it requires you to be in a good relationship with your creator to reseal most of them, He placed them in you and He is the only one who can make you identity them and bring them to existence, focus on knowing God more everyday and He will lead you to your purpose through helping you release all you potentials. Stop looking on what others have done better than you, just focus on being better than who you were yesterday. In Rick warrens Book "A purpose Driven Life", He tells us that life is trust, test and assignment, when we learn how to walk in our assignments, when we learn how to take care of things that have been entrusted to us and when we learn to pass the tests presented before us, we gonna live a life of victory everyday.
When we draw close to God He will draw close to us, He will show us the things we did not know and He will always help us walk in the full revelation of Him, walking in full revelation of God is one of the best things you should desire because its like walking in His will, where His word is the lamp to our feet and a light to our path. It's also walking in the purpose He created us for, knowing your purpose will change your prayer life, you will no longer pray blindly but you will always pray for God to bring to full completion what He started in you because if God gives you an assignment He will help you accomplish it. He will give you the resources you need, He will give you a spouse that will help you accomplish it, He will give you your circle of influence, the people who need what you have and He will give you good health to accomplish it because His word says that it will be well with us and we shall be of good health even us our souls prosper.
You are God's special Possession, arise and do what God called you to do, that is what will give you fulfillment darling.
You are God's special Possession, arise and do what God called you to do, that is what will give you fulfillment darling.
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