Darling, its December, I know you had so many things you wanted to achieve this year and when you look ahead of you, you have less than 30 days to end 2017, l know when the year begun you had so much energy to achieve your dreams but as the year progressed, the energy was being killed by circumstances that came your way. I know you wanted a better version of you that can face life with more energy than before, l know you keep asking yourself if you have used every opportunity that came your way wisely,  I know you at times hate yourself because of the decisions you made throughout the year, l know you look at some people you allowed to be in your life and you wonder if you were in your senses, I know you got a lot to ask yourself when you face that mirror in your room. I know at the moment you feel like 2017 should just go, you need I new year to start your life all over again, I feel you I know how much life has pushed you on the wall, I know how much you feel like everyone is having their lives all together and yours keeps falling apart everyday.

I wrote this specifically for you, you who feels you have tried enough and you just cant keep trying anymore,every one has their  breaking point and maybe you already  have gone beyond yours and you can't even figure out what is next for you, every goal you had written in the beginning of this year, none of them is even half way to come to completion, you are so stuck. Its you am specifically targeting, its you I want to remind that being consistent will never make you feel that way even when there is no reason for you to keep on doing what you are doing, that time you felt so low and all the energy you had to achieve a particular goal just went down, that the right time to practice consistency and just keep focusing because low times never stay forever, weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. When your bright moments come, you will feel proud of yourself because all the obstacles that came your way never stopped you from dreaming. 

Never stop dreaming 

With all the broken walls within you and you can't just see something good out of yourself, I want to remind you that its the same broken pieces that God will use to take you to another level, don't look down upon yourself, don't kill yourself because of your frustrations and misery, you were made for more than that, just because you didn't make it from January to November doesn't mean you will also not make it in December, just because all the relationships you got into didn't work doesn't mean your next one won't work, just because you haven't gotten a job yet doesn't mean you cant get it this month, just because you didn't make it to graduate after finishing your course doesn't mean that life will never work for you, just because you want to have a close relationship with God this year and you are still lukewarm doesn't mean you have lost it ,  you were made for more than that.

One thing I want you to know is that Jesus left us  with hope, faith and love, the reason why He left us with hope is because He understood there are times life will knock us down and the only thing that will keep us focused is our hope in Him.  Jesus was a servant and son of Man and He understands what we go through , but all in all He wants us to put our hope in Him. There is nothing that will give us peace during our storms like believing there is nothing impossible with God. That is knowing that even through your dark days, He can still protect you.

You were made for more than you are at the moment, you were made for more than being frustrated over what is not working in your life, you were made for making everything work in your favor, you were never made for complaining  how resources and money is scarce and just everyone can't have it, you were made to be among the few who have the resources and money, you were never made to be just a normal career woman, you were made to accomplish your God given assignments in your career, you were never made to just be an ordinary wife, you were made to be an excellent wife with all the proverbs 31 attributes and a wife that is celebrated by her  husband.  You were never  made to just be a Normal business person like the rest, you were made to take over the market place and reign in your generation, you were never just made to just get into marriage have children and bring them up, you were made to minister and accomplish your God given assignments in marriage, You were never made to divorce and stay a single life, your were made to believe in the institution called marriage and know that God can make it work and give you happiness all of your life, you were never made to just sit in seminars all your life and listen to others speak to you, you  were made to learn from others and identify by the help of the Holy Spirit what you have that the world needs too. 
You were never made for people who don't know your worth, you were made for people who identify your worth and get attracted to you because they know what you deserve. You were never made for jealous friends who pretend to be happy for you yet inside they wish you never go beyond them, you were made for genuine divine friends who invest in your growth. You were never made for ordinary life that your family has been living in, you were  made for extraordinary life that can be created with your commitments to success. You were never made to live in poverty, God has given you the ability to make wealth, You were never made to be a normal mother, you were made to be a celebrated mother by your children and those you have mentored. You were never made to just be a normal Christian, you were made to be a powerful Christian who operates in the kingdom principles. You were never made to just hear the word of God but effect it in your life. You we never made to be like others, God created you for a specific assignment that only you can do.

As you keep looking down on yourself, how much you have not achieved in the past  eleven months, remember what you were made for, remember how much you can still put more effort to just be that person you were made to be, remember how much difference you can make in your life if you just focus to be that person you were made to be. God gave me a specific word for you for this month of December 
"All that looked impossible in the past few months will be possible only if you trust me to take you through the process"  

God knows you have tried , but maybe you did it without Him, just try this time round with Him, for this one month and your year is going to end in the best way ever. Rewrite those goals, rewrite those commitments you had written for this year and if you had not, write them now, rewrite your affirmations and say them to yourself with double energy because you can do all things through Christ who strengths you, rewrite those declarations that you want to see to come to pass in your life and believe they can work, write down the things you believe and trust they work for you. God is going to restore your energy, God is going to quicken your mortal body and the things you were not able to do, you will do them because He strengths you.

He will quicken your mortal body

Get back to your feet and don't act out of mercy but act out of the principles you have set for your life. Life is full of principles and every time we  follow a principle  it rewards .The principle of being wealthy is practicing giving and anyone who works this principle in their lives, they always attract wealth and riches.

December is different and it will bring the best out of you even if the previous months didn't, December will make a difference in your year  and make you count that God designed this month specifically for you, that you might know He is the Great and Mighty God. Just believe and have faith in Him. Make use of every opportunity that comes your way and believe that, that which was made for you will locate you. 


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