
Showing posts from March, 2018


Life is like a wheel with cogs in it. Meaning life has different aspects to it such as spirituality, finances, relationships, business, career , marriage, family ,health among others. We all desire to grow in these aspects but it is one thing to desire and completely another thing to actualize that which you desire. We all desire to achieve something but not everyone takes up the opportunity to achieve what they desire. It takes daily discipline, commitment, energy and focus to really achieve our desires in life. Many desire to enjoy a happy marriage but be unwilling to pay the price. Many may desire to lose weight but may never be willing to exercise and observe healthy eating. Many desire personal growth but never take time to find themselves so as to grow. They never start! It takes more to achieve our desires. A firm transformed mind, not giving up in times of adversity and the capacity to withstand every season of life . An approach to life that appreciates that the...


Pastor Rogers Cedar of Jubilee Christian Church, has been divinely given a revelation on the subject Honor  He teaches with authority in the area of spiritual fatherhood ,son ship,and principles of excelling in the market place. In this book "The Secret weapon called Honor" are time tested ,proven and biblical principles on the subject Honor that will cure, bring you into divine alignment and usher you to a place of wealth The plague of dishonor that has been prevalent in our generation will not be associated with you . Am a witness that this servant of God is a rare example of a man of Honor I have come across. The principles in this book are sufficient to immunize and inoculate you against dishonor. Honor is the essence of life because out of it emanates other virtues like purity , integrity discipline and humility. If you chose to be a man or woman of honor , every facet of your life will be positively affected ,be it your career , profession, family or m...