Pastor Rogers Cedar of Jubilee Christian Church, has been divinely given a revelation on the subject Honor He teaches with authority in the area of spiritual fatherhood ,son ship,and principles of excelling in the market place. In this book "The Secret weapon called Honor" are time tested ,proven and biblical principles on the subject Honor that will cure, bring you into divine alignment and usher you to a place of wealth
The plague of dishonor that has been prevalent in our generation will not be associated with you . Am a witness that this servant of God is a rare example of a man of Honor I have come across.
The principles in this book are sufficient to immunize and inoculate you against dishonor. Honor is the essence of life because out of it emanates other virtues like purity , integrity discipline and humility. If you chose to be a man or woman of honor , every facet of your life will be positively affected ,be it your career , profession, family or ministry
Honor is a password of greatness, what you honor is what benefits you. Honor is the glue that keeps great relationships. Honor is a code of access .
Pastor Rogers cedar and His Father Bishop Allan Kiuna at Jubilee Christian Church Parklands Ready to minister on The secret weapon called Honor. |
God said" Those who honor me I will honor and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed. We honor God when we honor His delegated authority, therefore,this same principle applies. The way we will be rewarded by God is determined by the degree to which we value the authority He has placed in our lives.
Honor spiritual fathers because
Honor is one of the essential discipline of life that determines your height of achievement. You can't outgrow your honor levels . only those who honor others are guaranteed an honorable life. There are certain things that God will never give you personally but He has deposited them in a person within your reach; all you need is a code of honor to access them. God will not reveal to you everything ; He will hide some things in divine relationships expecting you to use the password of honor to access to them.
Honor spiritual fathers because what they can see while seated, you can't see even when you climb a tree; they see far. If you want to go far , stand on the shoulders of your fathers. You must understand that honor is virtue. The people you honor automatically donate what they carry to you. Any anointing you do not honor can never benefit you. If you are too big to show honor , you are already disqualified from the realm of the great. Greatness is embedded in honor. Dishonorable and disrespectful people have no place in the land of greatness. It takes humility to honor. Honor is expensive for proud people. Egocentric people are products of dishonor and pride . Honor and humility are Siamese twins . Don't sacrifice your glorious destiny in Christ on the alter of dishonor. Honor is a choice of the wise. Chose honor and you will perpetually stay on the speed lane in the highway of greatness
What you respect is what you will attract.
In this book, pastor Rogers Cedar of Jubilee Christian Church Kisumu gives you wisdom and insights on how to honor ; God, your prophet or Man of God, your biological parents,leaders,service, others and your body.
He also gives insights on rewards of honor, protocol of Honor and manifestations of dishonor.
He also gives insights on rewards of honor, protocol of Honor and manifestations of dishonor.
Get an opportunity to discover the principles of honor and practise them and see your life change every day .
For more information call +254 718 875439 and get your own copy.
This book has opened the eyes of my heart to honor people around me and above all to Honor God. Am forever great ful to God and my Father pastor Rogers cedar for the wisdom I got to interact with |
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