Life is like a wheel with cogs in it. Meaning life has different aspects to it such as spirituality, finances, relationships, business, career , marriage, family ,health among others.
We all desire to grow in these aspects but it is one thing to desire and completely another thing to actualize that which you desire. We all desire to achieve something but not everyone takes up the opportunity to achieve what they desire.
It takes daily discipline, commitment, energy and focus to really achieve our desires in life. Many desire to enjoy a happy marriage but be unwilling to pay the price. Many may desire to lose weight but may never be willing to exercise and observe healthy eating. Many desire personal growth but never take time to find themselves so as to grow. They never start!
It takes more to achieve our desires. A firm transformed mind, not giving up in times of adversity and the capacity to withstand every season of life .
An approach to life that appreciates that there will be times of joy and times of excruciating pain. A mindset that understands paying the cost is essential and essential in reaching our desired destination.
The gap between desiring and actualizing what we desire is the period of being intentional. This is the period that you should never allow the tension between where you are and where you want to be to break.
Remember that we only succeeded in what consumes us (passion) and we can only be consumed with what we are intentional about. Growth doesn't just happen, becoming the woman or man you desire doesn't just happen. It is never an accident. You got to be intentional about it. You got to wake up every morning and remind yourself where you want to be and what to do to be that person.
You have to refuse to be defined by the world and be intentional about defining your identity in Christ. You have got to refuse to wait for things to happen in your life and be intentional in creating what you want to see in your life. You have got to refuse to be in abusive relationships that keep draining you and be intentional in being in a relationship that makes you a better person.
If you are going to do something or make a decision because someone else has also done it, then it won't end well. You need to be fully aware of who you are, know what works for you and what doesn't work for you then be intentional in doing what works for you.
Don't just go to church because everyone else goes, be intentional in serving God and having an intimate relationship with Him. Don't desperately get into a relationship just because all your friends are dating, be intentional in dating and loving someone that brings out what God has placed deep in you. Don't buy things to compete with others, be intentional and buy what benefits you.
Be intentional in every decision you make. Have values that deeply define you and be intentional in living those values daily. Personally, I am defined by integrity, excellence, honesty, growth, love, wisdom, generosity, possibility and loyalty. I have developed intentionality in practicing this values in every area of my life. It takes consistent discipline to have your values bear fruits in your life. Constant practising of these values makes you a person of character and a force to reckon with.
One thing I believe and which has worked for me is that you can never be prayerful and remain the same. When the word of God says that 'Do not be anxious about any situation but with prayer, petition and thanksgiving make your request known to God and the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guide you heart ' trust me it works. It has worked for me.
You might be in that stage in your life where you even don't know how to start ,how to move on and how to get yourself in control. I want to encourage you that prayer works, try it. Choose to be intentional in seeking God over what you are going through, be intentional in waiting on Him because He answers prayers. If there is a man to pray, there is a God to answer.
That hope that you have lost, He will restore it, that marriage that is broken He will mend it, that ailment putting you down He will heal you. Just choose to be intentional in believing in Him and knowing He can do the impossible.
You were born for signs and wonders, you were created to make a difference, push yourself from your comfort zone and start experiencing positive change in your life.
You can never value growth and remain the same, you can never be intentional about being better and remain the same. The world is waiting for your manifestation.
When its intentional, results are invertible, people can never argue with results, keep moving, ask God for discipline to remain focused. Remember that motivation keeps you going but only discipline can make you grow.
Be intentional darling.
I love you my reader,and the only way I can speak to your heart is through my writing gift. May it be a blessing to you. |
Blessings 💗