Its the 5th month of the year and 5 being a number of grace and favor, there is so much that the Lord is willing and will do in your life if you let Him. I might not know how you started your month, it may have been on a high note or it could be the lowest point of life but that doesnt change what is in store for us, who believe as we are graced to face the season ahead of us. The month of May is a month of God and its my prayer that you will encounter God at a deeper and more intimate level.
Many are the times we plan and imagine how beautiful our life would be, if everything we planned for, comes to pass. But at times reality hits us, and things we never thought will come our way do come while those we so much desired, never come to pass and we are consumed by pain, discouragement and we lose our positivity.
When the year started, you were so energetic and tenacious ready for the year ahead and you had resolutions written down, is the same energy still in you? Do you see life as positive as you did at the beginning? Have you achieved any of the goals you wrote down? Have you fought against the challenges of life or have they consumed you? How many times have you risen after falling? How many times have you remained hopeful even when everything seemed hopeless? Have you admitted and accepted your mistakes? And have you learned from them? Are you where you wanted to be financially, physically, spiritually and emotionally? If not, have you identified what you are not doing and needs to be done?
When the year started, you were so energetic and tenacious ready for the year ahead and you had resolutions written down, is the same energy still in you? Do you see life as positive as you did at the beginning? Have you achieved any of the goals you wrote down? Have you fought against the challenges of life or have they consumed you? How many times have you risen after falling? How many times have you remained hopeful even when everything seemed hopeless? Have you admitted and accepted your mistakes? And have you learned from them? Are you where you wanted to be financially, physically, spiritually and emotionally? If not, have you identified what you are not doing and needs to be done?
The word of God says that since the times of John the Baptist, the kingdom of God has suffered violence and the violent must take it by force. Understand this, spiritual warfare is a New Testament posture for every Christian and there is no way we are going to reach our destinies, without waging war against the enemy. He fights our finances that we may languish in poverty, he fights marriages that there may be no peace, he fights our walk with God so that he may leave us faithless and he fights destinies so that Gods purpose upon us may not come to pass. Unless we arise and engage in war, the enemy will lead us to depression.
He has deceived us so much and has created situations in our lives that lead us to pain, fear and discouragement. When you meet people today, everyone is bracing a situation unique to them. Some will tell you; Ill never bear my own children. To some, the doctor just broke the news that you have two months to live as the cancer isnt responding to treatment. Marriages are failing and they say, Am leaving the marriage its over between us. So much disappointment going around Theres no cure for your condition, you can never reduce your weight, God cannot use someone like you. In leadership, You will never be a leader at work, your position is no longer needed and youre not qualified for the position. To a potential life partner, we can just be Good friends. (These are six worded stories of discouragement).
Your six worded story may have been mentioned here above or maybe its something worse. What you are going through might be tough and deep but remember its not God who has written the story. It looks like life has come to an end but one thing I want you to know is that when things look like they arent adding up in your life, that's the time to replace fear with faith. (Jeremiah 32:27. Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?)
Because faith will move God but fear will only give the enemy a conducive environment to destroy you completely. Faith is not a feeling, it is a reality. Faith will always speak against what you see. Money moves the earth but faith moves the heavens. The devil fears faith and can never work where there is faith. The Kingdom of God is ruled by faith and love. Fear and selfishness rule the kingdom of the world. (1st John 5:4 - 5.) Faith is seeing the invisible, doing the incredible and experiencing the impossible. Remember, faith does not prevent battles, but gives you the power to overcome battles. Everyone has a muscle of faith; the difference is how deep you exercise your faith.
Your six worded story may have been mentioned here above or maybe its something worse. What you are going through might be tough and deep but remember its not God who has written the story. It looks like life has come to an end but one thing I want you to know is that when things look like they arent adding up in your life, that's the time to replace fear with faith. (Jeremiah 32:27. Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?)
Because faith will move God but fear will only give the enemy a conducive environment to destroy you completely. Faith is not a feeling, it is a reality. Faith will always speak against what you see. Money moves the earth but faith moves the heavens. The devil fears faith and can never work where there is faith. The Kingdom of God is ruled by faith and love. Fear and selfishness rule the kingdom of the world. (1st John 5:4 - 5.) Faith is seeing the invisible, doing the incredible and experiencing the impossible. Remember, faith does not prevent battles, but gives you the power to overcome battles. Everyone has a muscle of faith; the difference is how deep you exercise your faith.
Its a fact that the six worded story defines your current circumstance, but the truth is that God has His version of the story and that is what really matters. He says in His word that nothing is too hard for Him. God is a mountain mover, He is powerful, He is a way maker, He is light in the darkness, and there is nothing God cannot do. He is a restorer of the broken walls of our lives. No matter what youre going through, I know that you can stand, no matter what may come your way, for your life is in His hands. Troubles dont last always and youve got a friend in Jesus, who will wipe your pain and tears away.
Though tests and troubles seem to get you down, remember Nothing is impossible with you Child of God. The moment this sinks in your mind, not even what the doctor says will move you, because He who created you knows that you can do anything through the power that worth in you. (Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us)
Its time to erase the six-worded story that the enemy has fed to you and let the word of God take root in you. The word of God is the most authentic foundation of faith. Wait on Him and see Him making the impossible possible. For whatever is impossible with men, is possible with God. God is not a man that He should lie. He is waiting for you to ask Him for the impossible, He is waiting for you to ask Him to break the chains of the enemy in your life. His Grace is remarkable, mercies are innumerable and His strength is impenetrable. He is honorable, accountable and favorable. Hes unsearchable yet knowable, indefinable, yet approachable, indescribable, yet personal. Let your actions and faith reflect the word of God, and the word has a name, hope has a name, joy has a name, peace has a name, love has a name, and that name is Jesus Christ!
Its time to erase the six-worded story that the enemy has fed to you and let the word of God take root in you. The word of God is the most authentic foundation of faith. Wait on Him and see Him making the impossible possible. For whatever is impossible with men, is possible with God. God is not a man that He should lie. He is waiting for you to ask Him for the impossible, He is waiting for you to ask Him to break the chains of the enemy in your life. His Grace is remarkable, mercies are innumerable and His strength is impenetrable. He is honorable, accountable and favorable. Hes unsearchable yet knowable, indefinable, yet approachable, indescribable, yet personal. Let your actions and faith reflect the word of God, and the word has a name, hope has a name, joy has a name, peace has a name, love has a name, and that name is Jesus Christ!
God is love and He loves you more than you can ever imagine. Its my prayer that this month you will experience the love of God. His love is unconditional as it doesnt depend on anything, indefinite and has no end, He loves like you are the only one He has, His love is worthy, powerful, unique, gracious, beautiful, everlasting and compassionate.
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