Meet Missi 
Apparently am not a lover of football but world cup just got me attracted to watching football.  They say you are combination of the 5 people you spend most of your time with and trust me I believe this because one of my close friends loves football,she literary feeds football, I now understand where the influence came from. She even blogs about football , if you happen to be a fun of football, get to read her blogs (Karun Njoroge),

Am an African and  for that matter a proud Kenyan . To see African countries (Nigeria, Senegal, Tunisia , Morocco and Egypt) represent Africa in the world cup competition moved my heart,  though as per now no African country happens to still be in race , but their  effort  , made Africa proud. Am especially moved with Nigeria ( super Eagles) its a team that made Africa proud . Being a woman who loves God, I always love Nigeria as a country for one thing, you either belong in light (Christ ) or darkness and you perfect your art of your choice,  lukewarmness is History , that's why Nigeria has taken over is so many Things in Africa  ,Gospel ministry among others and even being among the countries that represents Africa in the world cup.

Let's get back to the game, am specifically moved by the Argentina team , it happens to play with Croatia and it losses, (3 -0) , this game happens to  surprise many,  how on earth a team with Lionel Messi  just lost  like that. Its from this particular game that the quote "When Messi messes up!"  Originated from. This moved me to really know who Messi was, if  you have no Idea who He is,Luis Lionel Andres (“Leo”) Messi  is an Argentinian soccer player who plays forward for the FC Barcelona club and the Argentine national team. At the age of 13, Messi moved from Argentina to Spain after FC Barcelona agreed to pay for his medical treatments. There he earned renown as one of the greatest players in history, helping his club win more than two dozen league titles and tournaments. In 2012, he set a record for most goals in a calendar year, and in 2016, he was named Europe's Ballon d'Or winner for the fifth time. That's who am talking about.

It was hard for his funs to imagine how Messi could just lose, its never  in his nature to lose, its happens that the next game Argentina plays is verses Nigeria , my favorite African country ,had clarified before why I love Nigeria. I couldn't wait for that game to just cheer Nigeria up, it happens to be the game that determines which team moves to the next level and which team goes home, as much as I was supporting Nigeria, I was keen on those who supported Argentina, and I was moved by their confidence in Messi, most of them said " Argentina will not loss again with Messi "  Though the previous game Argentina had lost, they had confidence in Argentina because of Messi. This challenged me so much to think that am I  that kind of person that even after a series of failure in my team, marriage, profession, business, ministry e.t.c that others will look at and not give up on that particular thing? Not because I don't fail but because they know even if I fall, I will raise again. This is the confidence that challenged me to really think of what I stand for that even if I fail in it, those around me still know ,when I try again ,I will conquer.

Football cannot be mentioned without Messi's name on it,  Foot ball has brought Him to his place of significance (the world)  He didn't just wake up and became on of the best footballers in the world,  at 13,  God connects His need for treatment to Barcelona team, where they offer to take care of His treatment and later train Him in His talent of playing football.  

God has designed as in a way that ,our destiny helpers have the ability to take care of our needs, because he has placed that ability in them. Missi is who He is today  because His destiny helpers invested in Him. If He did it for Him, He will  still do it for you too. 

There are people who are meant to propel you to your place of significance, you can never do it on your own,  and one thing you should understand is that your destiny helpers will only locate you if you have identified your talent , purpose ,gifting and they come to develop that skill and purpose so that it can take you to your place of signifance. Missi  was located because of His football playing skill. The world knows him because His potential was unleashed and turned to purpose. What are you doing with your potentials? You can reach you place of significance, the world can know you, but only if what is in you will never be ignored by you.

You might not be Good in football as Messi, but trust me there is something God has placed deep in the inside of you that only you can do. Only you is wired for that specific thing. I realised am always concerned with people who have low self esteem , am always bothered with the lack of confidence in them and will always want to lift them up and just see confidence in them, not everyone is bothered with that because God wired me for that, there is something you are wired to do , if you know it, pursue it, invest in it, it will take you to your place of significance, if you are not aware just seek God, ask Him to show you that special thing He created you to do on earth, He is faithful, the word says that those that diligenty Seek Him , He will reward them, you are next to be rewarded with your purpose, it will completely change your life.

There are people who depend on what God has placed in you for them to move to the next level of their life, be kind enough to allow God use you to reach out to them. Argentina moved to the next level because of what God had placed  deep In Messi. Though they are out of the game, what God placed deep  in them  helped them reach where they reached.

I appreciate you my reader  for the time you have taken to read through the blog, my prayer always is that your life will never remain the same after the read.


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