Its been long, I have missed you just the same way you have missed hearing from me,a lot has happened but  am glad we are back here! Am specifically excited to let you know that I was thinking about you when writing this piece. You getting to know that who you are cannot be corrupted is so important to me.   If there  is one struggle that many people  go through is being able to bring to  conjunction who you are  and what everyone around you thinks about you. So many people remain caged in a shell that has despair  and do not step out to explore their potentials  just because someone told them something pernicious about them , it might be you, it might be your friend or someone you know who is   going through this , its not like they choose this road but they were just unavoidable circumstances on their path. No one can avoid the path of pain that comes from words spoken by others unless you are a lone ranger and you don't wish to interact or live with people .As long as you are living with people, you can never be  exempted from being hurt , discouraged and looked down up . Humans will just be human and the word of God says , the human heart is desperately wicked and it seeks out for evil. People will smile with you and still stub you at the back. In the midst of such a world that wants to make you like every one else, you need to fight for your identity.

As you read through, what are the number of times you have let things go just because someone said you could not do it? Did you do it or you just let it go? When someone tells you that  you are not capable of doing something , it reveals who they are. It reveals how much they don't believe in themselves and  if they can't believe in themselves, what makes you think that they can believe in you?

Many are the number of times you have looked at your weaknesses and condemned your self us not able. Who told you there are perfect being with no flaws? Even that person you see having their lives all together have something they are struggling to put in order. Your weaknesses  show that you are just a normal human being who can't survive without the grace of God because His grace is made perfect in our weakness. That weakness you have is to allow the grace of God take charge so that He can receive the glory  .God loves to work with the underdogs, those people  others said they could not amount to anything.  Just because you did something wrong  doesn't mean you can never amount to anything, what you think about yourself is who you become.

When it comes to seeking advice and having someone who can be your growth partner, ask for God's guidance to be able to discern  individuals who can see in you what you can't even see in  yourself, people who will see you make mistakes but they still remind you ,"you're  not your mistakes , I see greatness in you" people who have greatness residing in the inside of them . There is a common quote that say "you attract who you are" people look for who they are in others, when someone can see greatest in you, it means that's what they carry in them, when someone sees failure in you, that's also what they carry, you can't be a be a cat and see a dog in someone else,  this is the reason why you should erase in your mind anything that was said to you that drained your energy .

Its human to always have judgments,  the mindset you have towards something or someone is your judgement towards them, there is something you can always say about something, that's the same way someone has a certain perspective about you, it may be the way you talked to them, it might be the way you dress or something you did or did not do, all this give people a certain perspective about you, that's why when you keep asking people what they think about you, everyone will have their own definition.  Some will tell you what will make you smile while others will tear you down! but one thing i want you to know today is that you are none of those definitions , you identity is in God. God loves you and there is no pit you can fall into that His reckless love cant find you.

Have you been one of those people who has been depending on others to validate you? I was once there but I can tell you that each day God had been faithful to pull me out and He has taught me to find my identity in him,  I remember even when my close friends used to tell me , I could not write a blog , because I have been a poor grammar student in primary and high school.  That's a mindset they had about me and I could not allow that but me down,  I always felt a deep urge inside of me to write and encourage someone else and no one could kill it because God had destined me to operate in His grace in all my deficiencies. Am glad I never gave up and I kept on writing so that you will be able to read this today and also go and do that thing everyone thought  you could not do.
I might not know where and how you were brought up but one thing I know there is a way you have learnt from your childhood about people and how to relate with them,  you might have been brought up in an environment where you have never know what being loved and being appreciated means. This has made you feel nothing good can ever come out of you. If you are that person , I just want to take this opportunity to appreciate you and tell you that the reason you are still alive and reading this blog is because there is something that only you can do on this earth. You friends and all those around you can't do it because its only you who has been wired to do it with the uniqueness in you. If there was no one to appreciate you and see the Good in you, stop wallowing in self petty and arise, appreciate your self for reaching this far, be your best friend and motivation ,look at yourself in the mirror and tell that person you see " you are strong, brilliant, confidence, articulate and you have the tenacity  to  do anything you set your mind to do". One by one erase all the negative things that have been said about you from your childhood by speaking positive things about yourself. See a courageous person in you that can't be stopped and if you can see it, then you can be it. 

Forgive all the people who discouraged you and thought that you will never amount to anything and step up and take charge of yourself. Every negative thing existing in your mind about you, replace it with a positive thing till your mind is filled with all the positive things about you. Tell yourself from today hence forth people's opinion about you will not shake you nor put you down because you are not who they say you are. You're who God says you are.

When you can see a great person in you, you will look for greatness in other people because the reflection you have about others just shows who you are. 

I love you my reader,and your feedback and contribution is highly welcomed.


  1. This is my kind of message ..I can relate with this..

  2. Replies
    1. Amen am what God says I am thanks alot dia

  3. Nice piece dear
    Keep the good work and the spirit high in influencing others to be more than mere people and realize their purpose of life via God's manifestation.


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