Pursue Your Inherent Purpose

A purpose-driven life may last longer - Harvard Health

How interesting and fantastic it can be to know that your got  better days ahead,but trust be it will blow your mind to know that what you carry will make you stand out now and even in the days to come, Knowing what you carry relieves you from competing because you understand no one has what you have, it makes you focus internally and  on how to become better which eventually shines in your external world, There is no great man i know that focused on his or her external world  and became great but i know for many great men who have focused  on what they carry internally and they have used that uniqueness to change the world. 

Once you understand you carry something that no one else has,you will handle yourself with great value ,its your uniqueness,its what makes you not be someone else, when you try to be someone else or do things how others do them ,you deny yourself the chance of seeing the best that can come out of you through your uniqueness. We live in a world where when something trends we want to do it so that we don't look old-school ,but one question you constantly need to ask yourself is,is what am doing in line with who am  and what i stand for ? What motives me to do the things that i do? If you are motivated not by an inherent purpose but by other impulse like desire for money ,fame or to be liked,you will do whatever it takes to achieve those goals and character will take a back seat.

When character takes the back seat , it means you are not guided  by internal values but by the desire to achieve something that only satisfies the external being.You will want to step on other people to get to where you want to go, you will do things to satisfy the flesh and forget that you have a soul, if you cant have a good character while pursuing a certain goal or working in a certain field, then you should cease pursuing that goal and find your true purpose ,you should pursue something that you can do with honesty and integrity. 

When you are settled into your purpose,insecurities will begin to melt away.You won’t wear yourself out trying to please other people;you won’t need others constantly telling you that they approve of you and what you are doing.You will like yourself because you will experience your own inner approval as you fulfill what you were born to do.You will also be freer in opening up to other people as you work together to fulfill mutual purposes. 
Leading Change, The Purpose of Purpose - Ashley Coaching

I have never been freer since the day I learnt i was born a motivator and a leader, i happen to be a first born of 4 and all my life i have know that life is about taking charge and leading others to be a better version of themselves ,though i have not perfected this journey with my siblings but it makes me happy to know that i create a path they will gladly follow and become who God created them to be.I always don't want them to be like me ,but i always want them to be the best version of themselves . Am a choleric personality and i love to take charge, am not the type that will sit at the back and wait for things to be done, i will initiate things to happen, and these are not my siblings ,my third born sister (Gloria ) is now the type who sits at the back  waiting to be told what to do and she will gladly do it. She can't be me and  can't be her , her personality always plays and important role in our family which is to make sure whatever we plan has been done because she is an executor ,on the other hand my personality gives her direction on what to do and that makes the two of us. 

There is power in knowing who you are and why you are that kind of a person,knowing that am a choleric person has always given me a responsibility that wherever God puts me , be it in Ministry ,at home ,at work or in Business , am there to take charge and make things happen,and nothing makes me happy to take a lead and make things work or flow, it leaves me with the satisfaction that am doing what i was created for. Motivating others and helping them be a better version of themselves comes to me so naturally and this always pushes me to be better as a person because trust me you cant give others what you dont have .

Do you know the most powerful person in the whole world ? I guess you do not know, i want you to look at the mirror, that person you are seeing on that mirror is the most powerful person you will ever meet . Have you given  that person an opportunity to bring forth his or her power or you always compare him/her to other people? When is the last you had a talk and told that person on the mirror you love him/her  and you will always strive to make him/her better ? If you have never done it, do it now . Be your greatest fun and love investing in yourself . The reason you exist is because the world needs the power that is delved in you, the power to make things happen in a unique way that always leaves your fingerprints imprinted. 

 Believe in who your are, know that the world needs you to make a difference in your space of influence.As you go through the journey of  life,i want to remind you one thing,you were not born to influence everyone , neither was your uniqueness made for everyone , God has given everyone their own space of influence ,there is where your uniqueness and purpose will be valued and there is where people wont find it relevant , that is not your problem anyway ,focus on where your uniqueness is valued because that is your space of influence that God has called you to operate it . 

Consistently be in pursuit of your reason for existence.

Sending my love your way because you are special and valuable, Many thanks for taking your time to read the entire blog , i hope this led  you to loving yourself more because no one can be you and that is your power ,many more coming your way.  



  1. Awesome,am glad it was , and thanks you for feedback much valued.

  2. Awesome,am glad it was , and that you for feedback much valued.

  3. So motivating, good read


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