Anyone above 18 years old is considered as an adult in the republic of Kenya, So I know you reading this blog at the moment you are one. Did you know that adults are deteriorated children? You are wondering how? When you were much younger, you understood how to live. Staring at stars filled you with delight. Running in a park made you feel alive. And chasing butterflies flooded you with joy. Oh, how I adore butterflies. Then, as you grew up, you forgot how to be human. You forgot how to be bold and enthusiastic and loving and wildly alive. Your precious reservoirs of hope faded. Being ordinary became acceptable. The lamp of your creativity, your positivity and your intimacy with your greatness grew dim as you began to worry about fitting in, having more than others and being popular. Well, here’s what I say: participate not in the world of numbed out grownups, with its scarcity, apathy and limitation. I’m inviting you to enter a secret reality known only to the true masters, gre...