Am not just dating ,am dating a "rich guy"
Whenever one is given a gift, the wrapper is the first thing we notice. Many at times we tend to fall in love with the wrappings before we open the gift. When we finally open the gift, our excitement is either heightened or diminished depending on the quality or thought put into it.....the content for a moment doesn't seem of much worth...its the wrapping that will catch and impress our eyes from the word go.....what's inside however ought to be the most important thing ,because it lasts longer and inside there lies the reality,Inside there lies what really matters and if it something you fall in love with you will always value it for life!
We tend to fall in love at times not because we love what is inside but what we see,we see money ,we see wealth ,we see career and we conclude, "nimefika" . The rest will sort it self out...I have a "rich guy" what else am I waiting for?
There is always more to life than the wealth and money, there is more to know about a person you fall in love with, the inner him after all the unwrapping are done. That person he is when everything around him is no more. Everything around him is vanity expect his heart and soul. And if there is something that we should focus on is that which will never end "The soul" who owns that soul? And what is it that drives that soul? Is it the same thing that drives your soul?
The best thing that can happen is when its God driving your souls and you two are so intimate with God that He has a way to connect your souls always. He is our creator and He always knows what is best for souls and He alone can give a soulmate because He knows exactly what your soul needs , but how will you know what your soul needs if you don't consult its maker so that He can tell you what your soul really needs? How will you know what your soul needs if you don't have a relationship with its maker? Let it be your desire each day to Be intimate with the maker of your soul who will definitely feed the soul with what it needs.
Let the wealth and riches a man has be an additional advantage to you but not the reason for you to be with a man. The best thing a man can give you is a soul connection to the maker of your soul.
The best thing a man can give you is a soul connection to the maker of your soul. This is because he already has a relationship with HIM and he is just maintaining the connection. A man who has a relationship with God will love you like Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25)
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