I can feel the deep intense  shuttering of your heart when the word "waiting" crossed your boggling mind, its something no one ever wants to always be in but the fact is that we can never avoid it. At some point in our lives, we'll have to wait. Waiting has left many frustrated , it has left many in despair, it has left many in depression of just not being able to trace what the future holds, many are the times we have undergone excruciating pain just because we are targeting but not reaching our target. Waiting for a breakthrough in finances,  career, marriage ,business ,health, ministry, personal growth and even for prayers to be answered has became one of our daily intake dose as we all want to wake up to a better us.

The period of so much wanting something to the period of having it  is the waiting period that gets us on our toes to make things happen. This is the period that determines if we will really have what we are yearning for. This is the period where our faith and Patience is tested. Its the time where you will know your  foundation in God and in your faith, it is the period you will identity the inner you that you didn't even know existed, the inner you that can handle tough times and still pass every test that comes with it.

Never look down on this season of your life  and give up on your dreams just because they are taking to long to happen. This is a very sensitive season where you will either come out of it edified in faith or  tortured spiritually that you no longer value the little things God is doing in your life. This is the time you need to operate in revelations and total surrender to God even when you don't understand what God is doing  in your life, God doesn't want us to build Him In our lives , He wants us to build our lives around Him. He wants to take charge of  all our ups and downs . He understands every pain ,every struggle but He is just looking for a heart that is ready to give Him everything to work on in order to bring out the best in our lives.

The waiting period is not the time to have pity  on your self because everyone's else life looks like it working expect yours, its the time to fervently seek what is yours, its the time to focus on God and be blind to every destruction around you , be blind to what others have that may discourage you and entirely focus on what God is about to bring in your life, The scripture records that the righteous shall live by faith. You need to train your mind to think of the things you are trusting God for and not where you are in life at the moment. Faith moves God, it moves heaven to act on our behave , God can never surprise you with a car, He gives you a car you had already owned by faith, the  things we already hoped for in God are not surprises, they are results of walking in faith.  
I want you to view waiting in revelation to the  scriptures ," Those that wait upon the Lord, The lord Shall renew there strength,they will mount high like eagles, They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint . " There is power in waiting and not just in anything but in the lord. Wait for your job, money, marriage, business, growth in the Lord. Wait in prayer, wait in fasting, wait creating net worth connections , wait in looking for opportunities,and every time you take that initiative , you will never grow weary, your strength will always be renewed . Ask God to make you sensitive to seasons so that you may understand when its you time to move to the next level. Apostle Paul tells us to rejoice in the lord in every circumstance, rejoice in your waiting period till the Lord moves you to your next level

Its a year of open heavens, may prayer for you is that heavens shall open over every area of your life.

Love you so much and I hope you were blessed .

Keeping reading as many articles as you can In this blog and also share with your friends , your life will never remain the same.


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