
Showing posts from October, 2017


Writing this feels like doing something God had told me to do long ago but I ignored that voice,  God has been preparing me for such a time as this for a long time. And, as I'm sure many of you know, when God calls you to do something, He is relentless. Let me tell you how God healed me from something I thought would kill me. Mid this year in May, I woke up one morning and started feeling some chest pains that really made me uncomfortable, I for once thought the pains were caused by the exercises I used to do and still doing and didn't see any reason for  visiting a doctor to know why I was feeling that way, the pain was constant for a week and i didn't hesitate to go see a doctor, some blood tests were done and trust me my blood was very okay yet the chest pains would not give me a break!   Since the pain came with some sharp piercing that would run through my chest and disappear, the doctor told me it could be pneumonia and after several tests done again, ...

Your story can be different, just Arise!

The dynamics of falling in love and marriage have changed. This generation has formed a marriage that has to be a prison, for it to last. Otherwise it takes the form in which people have multiple of divorces and remarriages. These are the kind of marriages that strive in this generation. People nolonger enter marriage for love, but for their own selfish reasons , that once  they get them, they nolonger feed the marriage.  If you want a better marriage,  that which heaven created, then you must be reformed  by heaven. You must become heavenly. The kind of marriage heaven forms ,which has the power to thrive and live above the forces at work in this generation  is one in which the woman's beauty is not where  the world has placed beauty.  Her beauty is deep within ; in a place this generation has no power to access and corrupt. It is her inner self : the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit , which is of great worth before the ...

Seduction is a scheme!

A scheme is a plot intended to ensnare , capture ,imprison and destroy you, when the enemy seduces you into a relationship with the opposite sex, whose hidden agenda is illicit sex, he has the intentions of ensnaring you,capturing and imprisoning you,so that he may destroy you. He comes to kill, steal and destroy, you know! He comes to seduce you the same way a man acts towards a woman he knows is not cheap enough to pounce on and obtain sexual permission When a man comes to such a woman ,he presents sex is not his agenda, but that he honours you enough to want a sober and lasting friendship ,so he begins with just being good to you. He soon discovers what you like and what you hate , and toes the line. He discovers the need in you that has never been taken care of,and begins to feed it. If you had been rejected and deeply wounded, he comes as the shoulder to lean on and cry on. If you have never been truly loved , he comes in as this channel to love you as you need. When you become ...

God will talk to you through relationships.

If you listen, God will speak to you concerning your marriage, friendships and  your business associations. He may ask you to sever friendships or relationships with people who can tempt you away from His plan over your life. If you spend time with someone who is self centered ,you may soon spend time thinking about what you can get for your self. God may encourage you to make friends with someone who is a giver and before long you will be a giver too. It is exciting to spend time with someone who really hears from God , someone who truly senses what the holy spirit is doing or saying. The bible says iron sharpens iron and you can sharpen your ability to hear right things by being with people who practice listening God's voice and obeying it. You may be getting ready to marry a unbeliever and you conscience is beeping loud alarms , because you know the word says "Do not be unequally yoked  with unbelievers"  but you ignore it. Why would you be surprised if you wind up i...

6 Men you will struggle with

Catch pastor Rogers Cedar of Jubilee Christian Church Kisumu  on sky FM 106.1  every Saturday from 7:20 - 8.00pm and every  Sunday morning from 8:20-9:00am and Sunday evening from 8:00- 9:00pm (Relationship Sunday) One of the exciting topics he has talked about to women is : 6 Men you will always struggle with : The violent man No matter how often he says sorry, you will struggle in a relationship with a violent man.Some of them have the audacity to hit you even before they marry you.If he cant manage his anger, he wont manage his home. Get very concerned if he hits you then tries to blame you for having pushed him to do so.Both 1Timothy 3:3 and  Titus 1:7 tell us that a good leader of the home must not be violent.  The sucker This is the kind of man who continually sucks your strength, your emotions, even your resources without making any effort to reciprocate or replenish you.No matter how handsome he is, you will always struggle in your relationship w...