Writing this feels like doing something God had told me to do long ago but I ignored that voice, God has been preparing me for such a time as this for a long time. And, as I'm sure many of you know, when God calls you to do something, He is relentless. Let me tell you how God healed me from something I thought would kill me. Mid this year in May, I woke up one morning and started feeling some chest pains that really made me uncomfortable, I for once thought the pains were caused by the exercises I used to do and still doing and didn't see any reason for visiting a doctor to know why I was feeling that way, the pain was constant for a week and i didn't hesitate to go see a doctor, some blood tests were done and trust me my blood was very okay yet the chest pains would not give me a break! Since the pain came with some sharp piercing that would run through my chest and disappear, the doctor told me it could be pneumonia and after several tests done again, ...